#15: Know your business skills: Part 2
Last time we looked at a group of people setting up a company and how they divided the key roles between themselves. Not everybody will be starting up with a group of people though. Most of us start out on our own, then grow into a team as time goes by and the business expands.
If you have no aspirations for the business to be anything other than you, it’s still valid because you are in the position that you have to do all of these jobs.
- Part of the time you could be out increasing the awareness
- Part of the time you are thinking about what your service or product should be
- Part of the time you are selling it
- Part of the time you are delivering it
- Part of the time you are watching the money coming in and out
If this is the case, you will have to be able to fulfil all five roles, or seek help from somebody else, otherwise you will find it hard to get the business off the ground.
So it’s equally valid in all circumstances – it’s just you have to wear all the hats. You can’t just do the bit that you like, or the bit you think you are good at; you have to ensure you deal with the other components yourself or courtesy of someone else. Hugely important!
David Mellor Mentoring is here to help you make these decisions about how much work you take on yourself, whether you need outside help, and to advise you on where to find it.
In next month’s article, we are going to start looking at the risk spectrum of start up businesses, including a case study for what I call a ‘low risk case’.
Posted in: Start-ups
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